Friday, November 30, 2012

What Is An AutoResponder, And How Can I Use It To Build My Internet Marketing Business?

Greetings and welcome to my Autoresponder Mastery training course. Within this short article I am going to render an insight into autoresponders, an important part of list building (which as we all know is crucial to building an internet marketing business that runs on near-autopilot).

I'm sure you've heard the cliche, "the money is within the list." This report must give you the facts to access this goldmine that's waiting to be tapped!

We will go in depth to cover;

• What an Autoresponder will be. • How to find an effective Autoresponder. • How to make your list need to pay us. • How to have the Opt-in package installed on the internet site.

What is an Autoresponder?

An autoresponder is actually essentially an automatic series of emails that are sent out to consumers which subscribe to your mailing list. This will be a massively essential component of advertising online. This series will go out on preset intervals which you have full control over.

It's purpose is to build a relationship with your subscribers.

Building this "relationship" usually means they are most likely to respect your suggestions. The goal of this is to become a trusted advisor - which means they will be far more likely to buy through your affiliate links.

If you do not yet own a list of e-mail subscribers it really is 1 of the biggest and easiest improvements you can use for your internet marketing business due to the fact once somebody comes to your website they could sign up for updates whether they are the free visitor or the paid buyer and be notified about brand new articles and fresh offers you have for them.

But before we even get to all that, it starts with an autoresponder service.

My favorite autoresponder service for starting is AWeber.

The cause for that is actually due to the fact you may send an unlimited number of emails, the emails are always sent on time, and it includes many helpful features including broadcast, timed broadcast, follow-ups... don't get too wrapped in the "tech" sounding stuff - it's actually much more intuitive and straight forward than that. You will figure out as you get the internet marketing basics down as time goes on.

Creating A Successful AutoResponder Series

This particular section is crucial to effective email selling. The key is to invoke an emotional response within your own readers. We desire them to experience a connection to you.

Doing this will improve the chance they get from we due to the fact that they will experience you as genuine - not some nameless, faceless company out there to get their hands in their pockets.

It's important that customers find VALUE in whatever you send them - otherwise you're on the fast track to an "unsubscribe." Respect your subscribers time and you will be rewarded handsomely if you do it right.

Also ensure that you send out your own autoresponses about twice a week. Again researchers have discovered that sending away an email twice a week will result in more openings.

It is possible to mail your list daily and even 2 daily - but there are very specific steps you must take in order to ensure you don't burn your list out. You can find out more if you study the internet marketing basics.

For now, it's best you stick to a core strategy to build up your experience - let's carry on...

The most successful messages are those that your own customer's will appreciate given that it will enable them to feel such as they are learning some thing by reading the content.

Therefore, these messages need to be created to teach the reader about the advantages of your products or services. Right after the customer has been taught then they will be much more most likely to get from we as you grow to be a trusted friend.

This is due to the simple law of reciprocity - You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.

At the finish of the brief series of emails the receiver will need to be prepared to get your product.

You can sell the product any time in the series of emails. Be cautious that the emails are not purely a sales pitch. Rather, write such as you are advising the very good friend. They must be conversational in tone utilizing short paragraphs that are fairly easy to read. Hold them brief as well as extremely readable.

You want to offer some valuable content - then gently nudge the subscriber informing them how your paid product or service can help them much more effectively.

Each e-mail should really contain some sort of bait so which they will be looking forward to the next e-mail. Also the wonderful means to retain customers opening the emails can be to ask them questions about their needs and concerns.

By writing autoresponder messages your own customers will appreciate you, and in turn, will buy things you are selling or recommend. You should NEVER ever, attempt to sell products that you don't truly believe in. All it takes is one bad promotion to destroy all the credibility you build.

Use these tips wisely and proceed to achieve massive online success.

Kind Regards,


How to Generate Leads to Your Site   How To Benefit From An Auto-Responder   Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

Autoresponders - How to Make Your Business Look Good

When customers need to get in touch with you, it is essential that you provide them with the right tools to do so. Of course, giving your business the right tools to connect with people is going to help, as well. Autoresponder email services are a tool that your business can benefit from significantly because they can help you to succeed in many different ways. With autoresponders, you will be able to respond immediately to customers, regardless of what their inquiry might be. Even if your autoresponder just lets people know that you will be in touch soon, it is better than leaving them waiting until you get around to answering their questions.

Your business needs to make a good impression on its customers to be successful. Communication is one of the most important elements in making that good impression, and it is something that you need to use to your advantage as much as you possibly can. Even if customers don't have issues, keeping in touch with them will give them a much better feeling about your business than if you didn't reach out to them at all. Of course, it is when customers have issues and concerns that your communication will be most appreciated.

You can set up an autoresponder service to generate a variety of emails, based on your specific needs. Whether you are creating response emails to questions, newsletters, welcome emails, or even sales communications, an autoresponder is the way to reach out to people and spend less time dealing with your business communications. You will save time and effort and keep your customers happy at the same time, which is the ideal goal for any business, no matter what industry you might be in.

With tech support emails and other autoresponders, you can spend less time responding to individual emails yourself and improve the image that your business has at the same time. Plus, with an autoresponder service, you can set up new emails anytime that you need them. This allows you to keep up with the growing and changing demands of your customer base over time, no matter what issues they might be facing. A growing online business needs autoresponders to be successful. You don't have the time to spend on emails but you don't want to shirk on communications. With an autoresponder service, you can get the best of both worlds for your business and keep your customers happy at all times. This is something that won't be forgotten, and that can make or break your business success.

How to Generate Leads to Your Site   How To Benefit From An Auto-Responder   Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

GetResponse - Email Autoresponder Review

So what is it about email marketing? Why do they say the money is in the list and marketers view their subscriber lists as goldmines?

Email marketing works so well that only SEO techniques scored better. According to some research it is expected to generate a return on investment of over $42 for each dollar spent.

What do you need to get started? You will want to research all email autoresponder services that will help you with your email marketing efforts. There are several autoresponders available like Aweber, GetResponse, 1ShoppingCart, and InfusionSoft to mention a few. I like GetResponse because they offer a Free Accounts package for low volume clients.

The benefits of choosing GetReponse as an email autoresponder are:

• Create and send follow-ups and newsletters

• Track Customers and analyze email marketing campaigns

• Eye-Catching video emails that grab attention

When you are ready to create your email marketing campaign GetResponse has over a 1000 images to include all from library. This email autoresponder can create engaging web forms with check boxes, radio buttons, and custom fields. Once you have decided what you will use, then pick the design. You may drag and drop each feature at will because it is made to measure for you.

Need to have some research done for your business, then send out an online survey with targeted campaigns quickly and easily. Want to take it a step further and create a hyper-targeted email? Then in the advance segmentation of GetResponse you can group your customer emails by activity, geography, and profile date collected from web forms and surveys you have sent in the past.

If you find you do not have enough time to send out emails to use email marketing efficiently, think about this. GetResponse helps you setup welcome notes, birthday greeting, surveys and sales campaigns to work on autopilot. You create the schedule and it does the rest, it will be working for you while you sleep.

We are all aware of the social media presence today online so you will need to use the email autoresponder you choose with many social media sites. You need to be in the middle of the conversations so you can share your newsletter across networks. Get your name out there any way you can GetResponse will help carry out this.

Email marketing is a pretty hot sales initiative that you will want to focus on to help increase your revenue. Before you decide on any one company see if they offer a trial period so you can test it out and see how successful the email autoresponder is for your business. Before you choose an autoresponder also it is important to review their email analytic reports. This will show you your stats by-product, date, domain and more.

GetResponse does all of these things as do most of them, but it has a Free package for low volume email subscribers lists making this an attractive email autoresponder for me.

How to Generate Leads to Your Site   How To Benefit From An Auto-Responder   Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

Autoresponders - How They Work

Almost everyone has received at least one email in their lifetime from an autoresponder service. Whether you realize it or not, these emails come on a very regular basis and can provide people with a lot of different resources. Some are in the form of sales and advertisements while others are in the form of thank you notes and other communications. No matter what the form is, however, autoresponders are a popular tool for internet marketing success. These services have evolved significantly over the years from the primitive system that was once used simply to alert users of undeliverable mail.

The first autoresponder did only this. It provided people with feedback about mail that couldn't be delivered for one reason or another. These programs were helpful, and still are today, but they were very basic compared to the systems that are available today. All types of companies use autoresponder emails for marketing and communication purposes. If they didn't, they probably wouldn't get much accomplished outside of emails when it comes to their business. These emails are used for a wide variety of needs, which generally depend on the business that is using the system.

When you set up an autoresponder service for the first time, you get to create all the emails that you think you will need. You can also set the parameters for when the emails will be sent, such as when someone signs up for your mailing list or when a customer comment is received. You can give immediate response to your customers for any number of situations, making it easier for your business to operate successfully. If at any time you decide you need to create a new autoresponder message, you can take five minutes to generate it and set the parameters, and then get back to more important things.

Staying in touch with your customers is going to make all the difference in the success of your business. When you employ an autoresponder service to assist, it will be much easier for you to keep in touch and keep your business on track. You don't have all day to answer emails and your customers don't deserve to wait. Therefore, autoresponders give you the power to do what you need to do and let them take care of keeping customers informed. Any business that operates online can benefit from the power of autoresponders if they are used correctly.

How to Generate Leads to Your Site   How To Benefit From An Auto-Responder   Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

Build Your List Through Autoresponder Messages

Exchanging email information for a free give-away is common practice on the internet. It is designed to build your list. Once customers give you that info, they are giving you permission to market to them. But how do you do that?

In order to keep, organize, and maintain the list of emails you will receive, you must sign up for an auto-responder system. Within these companies, they also make available to you, an auto-responder sequence that you can email out to those people who gave you their email address. When you initially set up your email messages, you can set up one message, continue on with the set up stages, and come back later to complete other messages. You should have approximately ten messages being sent out every 3 to 4 days. So your prospects will be hearing from you for 30 to 40 days. You could type in a message a week or every few days. Remember to send a test message to yourself or a friend to see what it looks like and to make sure any links you added are going through.

Your sequence of messages would be sent out automatically every 3 to 4 days or however often you set them to go out. Each message would be designed a little different. One may contain information about your blog. One might link to an article your write. One might link to a product you have to sell or a product you have purchased from another person to sell as an affiliate. But no matter what you write about, the topic of your emails should always be related to why they signed up in the first place. If they don't like your messages or they don't relate to why they signed up in the first place, they will unsubscribe quickly. Keep your messages focused, direct on target, and informational. You can recommend products in these messages - but not in every message.

Through these auto-responder messages, you are getting your name in front of potential clients. A client must hear your name several times to become familiar with you and your business. It takes 7-8 times of name recognition before a client will know you. Once you establish the 'know, like, and trust' factor, they will begin to make purchases from you. There are many example of messages that you can research online. You can find examples that break down an explanation of an auto-responder and give you samples of email messages.

How to Generate Leads to Your Site   How To Benefit From An Auto-Responder   Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   

Part 2 - Common Mistakes Online Marketers Make and How You Can Avoid Them

Using the sign up form on a replicated sales page instead of having your own Autoresponder is a BIG mistake.

Let's go back to our affiliate program with XYZ Lemonade as they have given you a fantastic replicated sales page. They've told you to go out and advertise the special URL in every way you can and their replicated sales page does all the work for you. Wow, this is really decent of them-or is it? Assume that you send 200 people to the page who subscribe to get more information on the XYZ Lemonade opportunity and out of those 200 people, 6 buy. "Hey that's great" you think, but what happens to the other 194 people? The short answer is XYZ Lemonade now owns them and can send them anything they want in the future. If you ever leave XYZ Lemonade, you leave all your prospects with them.

This is a common scenario: You do all the work and they earn all the money-just the opposite of what the scam sites tell you. This is the bare facts and if you don't have your own Autoresponder and Capture page system, you are only building up the prospect list for someone else.

What I have to offer is a complete all in one program that gives you the essential tools along with the necessary training on how to use your OWN Autoresponder and build your OWN list. I offer a FREE 30 day trial with no strings attached. If you like it- and I'm sure you will- GREAT! If not, then all the best in your aspirations. Using your PayPal password and email address on both the registration page and the affiliate setup page of any program is a mistake.

There are many programs that use PayPal to pay you your commissions and this is great. However, be warned: the one thing you never want to do is register for a program where you use your PayPal email address and/or password when you sign up.

For example, if you registered for XYZ Lemonade, then you used your PayPal email address on the registration form and you also used the same password as you use to login to PayPal- if the owners of XYZ Lemonade are dishonest- you just gave them access to your PayPal account. How? Because they are going to have your email address and your password in their membership database.

They can then sell this information to some crackpot hacker or con man and that person can then drain your PayPal account. Since XYZ Lemonade did not actually break into your PayPal account, you will not be able to track this issue in any way back to them.

If you have a PayPal account and only one email address, I would suggest that you get another email address. Alternatively, only use your PayPal password at PayPal and no place else. Many people like to have only one password as this is obviously convenient and easy to remember, you are playing with fire because if anyone gets hold of that password along with your associated email address, they in effect have access to virtually any secure site you are involved with on the Internet.

How can you be sure to be aware of these issues and other problems? I have an offer that gives you a FREE 30 day trial. Have a look around, see the system, see the training programs and you make the decision. I tried it, and it is the best system I have ever seen- bar none. You have the opportunity to EARN while you LEARN. Becoming a great online marketer is literally only a step away.

How to Generate Leads to Your Site   How To Benefit From An Auto-Responder   Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   

Why Autoresponders Are Making You Money

This question is going to be answered in this article. Many people do internet marketing and are not doing it well. That's because in 99% of the cases they are not using autoresponders. What are the benefits of the autoresponders? How can they be making you more money?

First of all, the benefits of having an autoresponder are many. Let start with one of the most important - the great opportunity to build a relationship with your customers. Imagine - you are promoting some hot product, your review is the best and your website looks convincing. But, why do you think that the visitor will buy something from the first time? Yes, there are some passion-oriented customers that buy when they like something, but they are not many. The others never buy the first time. It's a fact that a visitor needs maybe 5 to 7 visits to become a customer. That means that when someone goes to your website, likes the product, he will just quit and then will visit some other website after 2 days or a week, and he will buy from there!

How can you avoid this? It's easy. Get yourself an autoresponder. With one of these, you will be able to capture your visitor's name and e-mail and you will be able to send him follow up e-mails. In that way all is in your hands and you will be able to convince him with sending him series of e-mails.

Besides this, you will create a relationship with the visitor. Who do you think he will prefer to buy from? A man, who is sending him e-mails with valuable info, that he requested, or a man, which website he sees for a first time? Of course that he will prefer to buy from YOU! And that's, because your autoresponder!

Do you know that autoresponders will always work for you? Once you setup a campaign, your autoresponder is working for you! It's out there 24/7 and is sending e-mails and selling your stuff instead of you!

As every experienced marketer would say: "The money is in the list" or, my personal favorite: "The fortune is in the follow up". This is not hype. Autoresponders build strong relationships between marketers and customers. Many marketers are building their whole business on their autoresponder!

It's time for you to choose from which side to be - the successful marketers or those that will always have problems with their business!

How to Generate Leads to Your Site   How To Benefit From An Auto-Responder   Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   

Mobile Autoresponder - SMS Marketing Will Profit Your Businesses

How have mobile autoresponders changed the face of marketing forever?

It seems like technology continues to advance at such a blinding rate that what we never thought possible, seems to now be part of everyday life. Who would have ever thought even 30 years ago that computer technology would run just about every device that exists today.

Up until 10 years ago, email marketing was not even really a thought, but with autoresponder technology, it's a common strategy (or should be) for every business.

Well, email isn't going to disappear anytime soon, but now there is an even more exciting shift in marketing that has the business world even more excited. This is the use of a text autoresponder to market to the fast paced growth of users that have a mobile device?

Is text marketing using a mobile autoresponder really effective?

The answer is a resounding YES!! And here are some statistics that will give you something to think about if you decide to start sms marketing using this.

--Marketing to mobile devices will account for over 15% of all ad spending online by 2016

--A remarkable 90% of those owning a cell phone have it by their side or in arms reach 24 hours a day.

--5 Billion people have a mobile phone. You need to realize that the world population is around 7 billion.

The use of mobile marketing using a SMS autoresponder is truly exciting for any business. Is there any difference to email marketing?

There is a big advantage to this new way of marketing. The truth is that unlike email, most people read text messages. Response rates are through the roof when this is done correctly.

And like an email autoresponder such as Aweber and Getresponse, a text autoresponder makes building, maintaining and managing a list just as easy and affordable as ever.

Features many of the best mobile autoresponder companies have for the marketer are the following:

--Easy to use

--Unlimited subscribers

--Custom auto replies

--Multiple campaigns

--Text message broadcasts

--Unlimited texts

--Two ways to sign up subscribers by web to text or short codes

There are a lot of opinions flying around on this new type of marketing. The big objection is that people are ignoring marketing texts thus reducing the response rates.

Is this really true?

Well of course it is to a point. In any area of marketing, you have those that follow good practices and those that spam. It's no different for mobile marketing. With that said, marketing the right way like email marketing and building a list of prospects or customers that have agreed to be on your list, is even more effective than email.

Since technology is going mobile, this is going to be the way to effectively market now and far into the future. Let it be a piece of cake by finding a mobile autoresponder that will make this task as easy and as automatic as possible.

How to Generate Leads to Your Site   How To Benefit From An Auto-Responder   Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

Turn Traffic Into Revenue By Selling Your Own Products

You've figured out one of the difficult early steps in building an online business - driving traffic. Now how do you turn that traffic into a stream of steady cash?

There are several possibilities. One is affiliate marketing, or directing your visitors to a site selling a product in exchange for a cut of the sales. Another is selling advertising space on your site using an ad network such as AdSense.

Both of the above options are excellent ways to monetize your traffic, but today we're going to focus on a strategy that has enormous income potential if done correctly - selling your own products.

Let's start with an example: suppose you have a site full of content targeted at pet store owners - blog posts, product reviews, tips on hiring, taxes, etc. Let's also assume that your site gets ~5K unique visitors per month and the bounce rate is low.

So you have a steady stream of visitors that are interested in your content. Instead of simply watching your visitors come and go, let's connect with them. We'll start by building a list of your visitors' email addresses and keeping in touch with them regularly. How the hell are we gonna do this, you ask? Let's begin with an incredibly useful little doodad called...

The Squeeze Page

Let us continue with our pet store owner example and assume that, in addition to all the valuable content you already have on the site, you can readily produce an equally worthwhile tip sheet (e.g. "5 Killer Ways to Reduce Shrinkage", "Three Ways Your Store is Losing Money Right Now", etc) or report (e.g. "Most Profitable Feed Options", "How the New Tax Code Will Affect You", etc.) that we'll call your "freebie". The freebie must contain information that is as least as valuable and interesting as your site's regular content.

Create the freebie on your computer, then have it repackaged by a competent designer into a nicely formatted pdf that echoes the aesthetic of your site. If a designer isn't readily available to you, no worries - Elance has a full-fledged army of them just waiting to tackle your freebie for a reasonable amount of money.

Next, add a form to every page of your site (e.g. in a sidebar) that promises that if the visitor provides their email address they'll receive the freebie.

Then create an account for an autoresponder using Aweber, Mailchimp, or a similar service. We will configure the autoresponder later in this post.

Once your Squeeze Page is up and running, keep an eye on your conversion rate (number of email addresses collected per number of page visitors) and split test slightly different versions of the Squeeze Page to optimize the conversion rate.

Now that you are growing your list, it's time to sell to it.

Autoresponders - Whack-A-Mole Customers for Fun and Profit

Autoresponders are the mechanical means through which you will convert visitors into customers. Let's imagine (hopefully it's not too difficult) a visitor likes your content and browses around. Ideally they enjoy your content so much that they provide you with their email address in exchange for a freebie.

After the visitor signs up for your freebie, your autoresponder will send them a series of emails over the next week or two. The emails will provide the visitor with access to valuable content, some free and some not.

Again returning to our pet store example, the following is a sample series of autoresponder emails:

(Send immediately upon receiving request)

Subject: "6 Ways to Find Deals on Wholesale Exotic Fish" attached Thanks for visiting I've attached "6 Ways to Find Deals on Wholesale Exotic Fish" at your request.

I'll be sure to send along more helpful tips as we add them to the site.

Have a great day,

(if you don't wish to receive messages from click here to unsubscribe)

(Send day 2)

Subject: Three ways your store is costing you money right now Since you downloaded our tip sheet yesterday I thought you might be interested in the attached report. It's hot off the presses and guaranteed to help your bottom line.

We've also found that leveraging social media is a spectacular way to increase buzz and boost sales by as much as 220%.


(if you don't wish to receive messages from, click here to unsubscribe)

(Send day 4)

Subject: Turn visitors to your online pet store into customers How many visitors to your online store become customers? Too few? Learn the critical keys for turning visitors into customers by downloading our free report.

Don't let another potential customer get away. Improve your online pet store's conversion rates and jack up your profits immediately.

We've also introduced a new course, "Using Analytics to Your Advantage - Leave Your Competition in the Dust", which includes a step-by-step guide to achieving huge sales breakthroughs, free tools, and tons of critically helpful tips. It's taken us thousands of hours to research, test, and assemble, and it's available to our friends for only $197.

Coming Next: We're compiling a list of hugely helpful techniques for negotiating feed prices.


(if you don't wish to receive messages from, click here to unsubscribe)

Etc, etc. Some autoresponder sequences can go on for months. The more product and freebies you have to offer, the longer you can maintain this type of relationship with your visitor/customer.

I've found that it's best to lead with free content, then ease in with a soft sell (the "leveraging social media" link directs the visitor to a page for yet another paid product,) then gradually introduce more direct selling as you gain your visitor's trust.

The initial sequence of messages you use isn't absolutely critical - what's important is that you closely monitor the performance of each message and tweak the messages so the entire autoresponder sequence becomes more and more effective.

Create traffic, build a list, sell to the list, always measuring and tweaking as you go. Before you know it you'll have a steady stream of cash coming through the door.

How to Generate Leads to Your Site   How To Benefit From An Auto-Responder   Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   

How an Autoresponder Improves Your Online Home Business Opportunities And Making Money With Them

Are you utilizing an autoresponder in your marketing of your online home business? If you are not using one or you do not know if you are using an autoresponder correctly to maximize your income on all of your home business opportunities then read on. As usual to increase your business knowledge so you can make more money per hour in your home business is always a good thing.

Email marketing is constantly changing and you have to keep up with the rules and with Aweber or any other highly regarded autoresponder they worry about compliance and you can just worry about driving traffic to your different websites. If you spend the time and efforts to get your prospects to give you their email address then you need to maximize what can be done with the information you collected. And it is much easier to have email sent out automatically every day or two days or what ever you think is correct marketing.

With a growing list you will always have a very good chance to start up a campaign with a new product or service and your prospects and customers can know about it and purchase in a couple of days without you having to do the bulk of the work. When you have a list big enough you can make a few extra thousand dollars at the drop of a hat when ever you like as long as you have a product that matches their wants and needs.

Although autoresponders are costly and keep costing monthly forever they are certainly essential for the growth of your online home business opportunities to keep your prospects informed on what you have to offer them to purchase. It is much easier and cheaper to keep customers you have that trust you than to spend time and money to get new prospects and get them to like and trust you.

For your prospects to get on your autoresponder list they have to give you their email address on some kind of capture area on your blog or website. Then the prospect is emailed and asked if they are sure they want to be on your list to receive emails on products and services that you are selling. And possibly to receive a newsletter from you.

To get anyone to fill in their email address and at least their first name you are probably going to have to offer them something free that is of value. After they sign up then an email is sent to them to have them respond and after that they will be sent the information or a link to get the information that you are offering for free.

If the actual freebie turns out not to be of value to them then they will just opt out of your emails and you will lose a prospect. So you better be honest about the free item and do not miss lead them or you will not gain their trust. If they do not trust you then they will not buy from you. Just like a brick and mortar business you have to treat your customers and prospective customers good and make them feel of value to you or you will not get the sale.

So in conclusion get your online home business opportunities all hooked up to AWeber or any autoresponder and give something of value at each point of your email address signup areas. Get a big list built and just continue to build the list forever to increase your business and have the ability to email a flyer email to them new product or e-book for them to purchase at anytime for a few thousand dollars of extra walking around cash any time.

How to Generate Leads to Your Site   How To Benefit From An Auto-Responder   Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   

The Basics of AutoResponders

Autoresponders started out as simple computer programs that generated an automated response to incoming emails. For instance, you will sometimes email a friend and get an auto-response email back: "Thanks for your email. I am out of the office until Monday, but will return your emails when I get back. If you have an emergency, please contact Bob at extension 1234."

Autoresponders today are more complex and flexible tools that allow you, among other things, to keep in touch with your marketing list. You can set up a series of emails to be delivered at specific intervals to your list. For instance, I have a Tip of the Week series that is delivered via autoresponder. I have set up a series of tips that are delivered every seven days to help me stay in contact with people on my list and to give them information that they can use. Once someone opts in to my mailing list, they receive a series of over 60 tips, delivered over 60 weeks. That is, by the way, an outrageously long autoresponder series. Most autoresponder series consist of five to ten emails.

First and foremost, autoresponders are marketing tools. I make sure there is a link to my product page for the people who would like to learn more about creating and marketing information products. Some people have a hard-hitting sales message in every follow-up email; others vary the sales pitch with content. In a seven email series (remember, people buy somewhere between the fourth and seventh exposure to your product) I like to rotate the sales pitch from a very soft sell to a medium sell for the first few emails. Emails five through seven will have a harder or more obvious sales pitch to them. But in all of my emails, I make sure I am delivering quality content along with a sales pitch.

In addition, autoresponders are a great way to deliver your online products, including courses that can create a "set it and forget it" income stream for you.

There are a number of different autoresponder programs available. The monthly fees average around $20.00 - $30.00. I started out with aweber and moved over to oneshoppingcart because they offer affiliate program capability. Aweber is just an autoresponder system; oneshoppingcart includes autoresponders, a shopping cart, of course, affiliate tracking and digital product delivery. Aweber is about $20.00 per month; oneshoppingcart is around $100.00. Other autoresponders that are popular are and If you are just starting out, I recommend keeping your overhead low.

I am always looking to streamline my work and create systems in my business. Autoresponders allow you to do just that. If you are growing a list for either your online or offline business, autoresponders will help you keep in touch, create familiarity with you and your products and remind your prospects and clients that you want to give them value.

How to Generate Leads to Your Site   How To Benefit From An Auto-Responder   Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   

How Autoresponders Operate

People are always receiving autoresponder emails constantly; everyday through an autoresponder system. The purpose of most autoresponder emails is to communicate with a wider list of people and simultaneously send them information and resources instead of having to do so one-by-one, which would be extremely time-consuming.

Occasionally these emails are used to just talk and send simple messages to people, like mentioning a date for a gathering for example. However, they are also used hugely, by marketers, to promote, advertise and sell various different products to a targeted email list and have become an extremely effective tool to have.

Autoresponders have come a long way since their earlier days. They used to just do very simple tasks like if an email failed to send properly, it would send a notification back warning you that it did not send. Although these systems are still in use today and remain very useful, they have over time, evolved to serve other, more advanced purposes. In particular, internet marketing, in which marketers have used them for numerous different reasons.

One of the first tasks that need to be completed when starting out with an autoresponder, is getting together the emails which the system will send out. Along with this, you will need to tell it when and under what circumstances the emails should be sent. For example, when somebody signs up for a YouTube account, they receive and automatic confirmation and welcome email. It would be completely unnecessary and inefficient to have any real people doing this, so it saves money, time and resources. If the email needs to be changed, it's very easy to go back and edit whatever needs to be changed.

Being able to keep in contact with an email list of people is an excellent asset to have alongside your online business. It's debatable, that some of the successful, big name internet marketers, would even be where they are today if they never had of had the ability to communicate using this essential tool.

It's important that your leads, who give their emails to you via your lead capture page, are not kept waiting, or they might forget about you completely. They don't want to wait and neither should they; autoresponders provide you with that ability to instantly make the necessary, pre-prepared responses required to get people properly set up straight away, be it through a confirmation email, a welcome email, or just a communicative email discussing a new event or gathering.

How to Generate Leads to Your Site   How To Benefit From An Auto-Responder   Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   

Choosing An Autoresponder - 5 Key Considerations To Keep In Mind

There is an extensive choice of autoresponder services currently on the market. A number of them are priced based on the size of your list, others are priced by the quantity of email series you run, while some offer limitless campaigns and grant you the ability to have substantial subscriber lists for a set price. A few services exist which include autoresponders as part of their hosting service or for an extra fee.

There are even independent autoresponder software programs which can be bought and downloaded, but it is strongly recommended that you be very knowledgeable if you are going to employ this type of autoresponder as it will likely be associated with YOUR IP address. If someone levies a spam complaint against you, it can cause your ISP (Internet Service Provider) to close your account and you risk having your domain taken offline, so you want to take the necessary measures to teach yourself about how to use the autoresponder you've chosen prior to actually using it.

When deciding on an autoresponder service, keep the following factors in mind:

1. Depending on your specific circumstances, cost could be a large part of your decision process, particularly if you have a considerable mailing list and/or many campaigns.

2. Simplicity - is it hard to set up your campaign or do you find yourself wishing you had programming skills?

3. Integration with your host. Will your prospective autoresponder work effortlessly with your host provider?

4. Availability of Statistics - are you able to get specific information regarding your campaigns? (how many list members are opening your emails, how many have unsubscribed, how many emails bounced, etc)

5. Deliverability - this is critical - if your autoresponder has a poor deliverability ratio (the percentage of emails that actually get delivered to the intended reader), then you may be throwing your money away.

If you aren't yet implementing an autoresponder service to help expand your business, make a point to add it to your "To Do" List! Automating your efforts with an autoresponder will provide you additional time that could be utilized on new product research and creation or other actions that will allow you to grow your business. Be sure you conduct a thorough investigation and ask any questions you may have to your possible service provider before enrolling. Find out if there is a demonstration (live or recorded) you can view to see how it works, so you can make your own determination as to whether or not it will be a good fit for you.

Your autoresponder choice is one that should be given a great deal of consideration. Take your time and get educated; spending the extra time will be well worth it!

How to Generate Leads to Your Site   How To Benefit From An Auto-Responder   Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   

Email Marketing for MLM - Increasing Your Open Rates

Many people who are doing email marketing for MLM are doing it all wrong.

Are you one of those people? Are you disappointed by the number of people who actually open your emails?

If so then this may be one of the most important articles you've ever read...

A Huge Email Marketing for MLM Tip to Get More Emails Open

So when you send out an email to your list of prospects, or even to your downline as a group, the main and most important task is to get the email opened. It's obviously critical for the email to be opened if it's going to get anything else done.

If you've got a link in your email that you want someone to click on, then the only way they're going to see that link is by opening the darn email. So now we've established that...getting the email open is vital. But how do you do it?

Here are 3 Tips to Getting Your Email Opened and Grow Your Downline as a Consequence

Tip #1: Curiosity May Have Killed the Cat, But It Saved the Email Marketer...

One of your best friends when it comes to email marketing for MLM, or email marketing in general is that profound emotion of curiosity.

Humans by nature simply do NOT like loose ends. They don't like to not know what came next, or not know what someone is alluding to. You can use that to your advantage but only as long as you deliver on it.

For instance there was a period where internet marketers realize that the subject line "Bad news" got a lot of open rates. That's all well and good, but a lot of marketers would use that, but once you opened the email it was obvious that it was a ploy.

Don't do that. Once you do that to your list you lose all credibility. Deliver on the curiosity tease, and do it quickly, and your emails will continue to get opened over and over again.

Tip #2: Tell Them Why to Open with a Huge Benefit

In the world of copywriting, headlines are crucial just like your subject line in emails. Copywriters have long been establishing the fact that you should lead with a huge benefit to increase conversion rates on sales pages. Why then would it not work for an email subject line?

The fact is that it does work. So let's say that you send an email to your list of MLM prospects that says "Get your MLM business started and making money in 48 hrs". That would be a huge benefit for the prospect. Obviously they were interested in making money or in MLM to be on your list in the fist place, so why wouldn't they be interested to see how to make it work within 48 hrs. Heck even experienced MLM'ers would be interested in that.

Tip #3: Talk to Your List Like You Do Your Friends

The inbox isn't where you want to sound like a sales page, especially in the subject line. So instead of saying things like "Learn the Secrets of Closing Prospects Fast and Easy" that you would never say to a friend or family member...say "Hey check this out for closing prospects...learned from Bob."

That second one will feel like an email is supposed to feel, like it's from someone that they know and feel comfortable around. The first will get them clicking away ASAP, the second will get them clicking to open ASAP.

So there you go, start using these tips for your own email marketing for MLM and watch your income soar.

How to Generate Leads to Your Site   How To Benefit From An Auto-Responder   Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   Squeeze Pages: 6 Pitfalls You Want to Avoid!   

The Best TrafficWave Review Ever

Primary advantage TrafficWave has over some other highly regarded Auto-responder companies such as GetResponse or AWeber is you can have an endless number of subscribers in an- infinite number of campaigns at no extra cost. You pay the one set fee no matter how many subscribers you have. GetResponse and AWeber add extra charges as the number of subscriber and the number of lists grow.

TrafficWave offers a 30-day free trial of their service, after the 30-days a fee of $17.95 per month is than charged to the customer. After the 30-day trial the user will be charged $17.95 per month no matter how much you use it. The TrafficWave Matrix Busters will pay for you first full month giving you another 30days free.

While other Auto-responder companies allow you to track your email click through rates, TrafficWave takes one step further giving the user the ability to track all their click through rates everywhere online. List Builders can also set up an unlimited amount of ad tracking campaigns providing it a sizeable benefit over most other Auto-responder services.

TrafficWave customers are able to receive residual returns from their affiliate program. TrafficWave has an affiliate plan paying down 10 levels deep where most other autoresponder affiliate programs will pay you down two levels. This allows list Builders who wish to promote their services to be able to turn those recommendations into a substantial cash flow.

Co-op advertising is also accessible with TrafficWave. TrafficWave opens up a hundred or so spots for affiliates to pay for spots in advertising campaigns. Advertising in the co-op lets the affiliate take full advantage of TrafficWaves vast intelligence of advertising and marketing. Affiliates TrafficWave Referral Link is placed in a rotator at each advertising location, as hits to those ads happen each affiliate gets a evenhanded opportunity for the lead.

TrafficWave than gives those affiliate any signups from the advertising as the affiliates personal enrollees. Giving the affiliate full credit to receive all the benefits a referral brings. Full Credits such as, sales that help the affiliate qualify for advancement in Affiliate Plan as well as lucrative Leadership Bonuses!

The control panel for TrafficWave is primarily easy to use providing training articles in each section in case you get confused. TrafficWave also provides an online customer forum, and fast customer support that can fix most issues quickly, video, and a blog to discover the finer points of using the TrafficWave tools.

One item missing from TrafficWave is the missing of spam filter software that you can test your emails through so that you can make sure that they are received in your subscribers inbox and not the spam file. While TrafficWave gives you the capability to send your emails in either HTML or text it, TrafficWave does not have as easy to use newsletter set up as say GetResponse.

Making an allowance for price and functions TrafficWave it is quite comparable to the other big time Competitors, but add in its ad tracking features, set price for unlimited campaigns, and the ability to earn a very generous income when referring others; I would say that it stands head and shoulders over its competitors.

How to Generate Leads to Your Site   How To Benefit From An Auto-Responder   Put Your Business Email Communications On Autopilot   A Qualty Autoresponder Software Is The Difference Between Success And Failure With Email Marketing   Using Autoresponders Is Helpful in Internet Marketing   

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